The High Value Legacies Catalyst Programme 🚀

A transformational charity collaboration to uncover tangible opportunities which unlock high-value gifts (£100k+) .

It’s immersive, outcome-driven and fun!

What's included in the High Value Legacies Catalyst Programme?

Key Insights & Opportunity Springboards Identified with the High Value audience. I will recruit the audience!

Access to a private community to discuss all things High Value Legacies

A Facilitated Innovation Workshop to turn insight into compelling propositions

A PDF exec summary of distilled insights, opportunity springboards and ideas useful for existing products & services

Transcripts & Vox Pops from interviews with High Value Audience

Up-skill in the innovation process & get hands on experience of insight and innovation (the best way to learn)

Why join the High Value Legacies Catalyst Programme?

532,000 potential pledgers

Is the estimated number of who fit the criteria of a High Value Legacy pledger lookalike.

(Source: Kite Factory & freestyle marketing: Unlocking the high-value heartland of legacy givers)

£1.5 billion in donations left by 6,000 people

In 2020, £1.5 billion in legacy donations were left by just 6,000 people.

(Source: Kite Factory & freestyle marketing: Unlocking the high-value heartland of legacy givers)

£100k donations = 50% all legacy income

Over half of all legacy income in 2022 came from high value bequests worth over £100k.

(Source: Remember a Charity)

£4.7 billion by 2029

The legacy market is expected to grow & be worth £4.7 billion by 2029.

(Source: Kite Factory & freestyle marketing: Unlocking the high-value heartland of legacy givers)

31% of legacy income

Incredibly, 31% of legacy income comes from bequests of over £500k

(Source: Remember a Charity)

50% growth

Over the past three decades the number of charitable bequests has risen from 75,000 in 1990 to 112,000 in 2020.

(Source: Legacy Foresight)

There’s huge potential for High Value Legacies, but the problem is that charities don’t have a formula to attract and retain High Value pledgers….

Charities’ legacy budgets are often reliant on a handful of huge gifts from individuals who are unknown to the charity.

It’s time we uncovered who this audience are and what organisations can do to get more High Value gifts.

The Solution?

Insight + Co-Creation


Another challenge is turning these insights into meaningful ideas.

For this you needed a tried and tested process.

I’ve developed a process which draws from a number of different methodologies and frameworks including: Agile, Design Thinking, Design Sprints and Service Design.

The High Value Legacies audience is talked about a lot in the sector.

However, it’s often neglected in terms of innovation and in a lot of cases there has been little done in terms of implementation and action.

There is a great deal of quantitative data on this audience but often what’s missing is qualitative insight which is vital to understand audience needs and identify opportunities.

Who is this programme for?

Legacy Managers

Legacy Managers who know that High Value legacies presents a huge opportunity.

Innovation Managers

Innovation Managers in charities actively exploring innovation in the legacy space.

Jo Pullin, Legacies Innovation Lead, Macmillan Cancer Support

“I have been working with Louis through a 3 month discovery phase to uncover opportunities for legacy fundraising. Through this process Louis has helped distil complex audience insights into actionable strategies, leading to the development of a robust pipeline of opportunities for Legacy fundraising.

Louis and I have had regular sessions but aside from this he has taken the time to get to know the team and understand the wider organisational context. He is a true collaborator and happy to challenge members of the team or ways of working to help us to think outside the box.

Thanks Louis!”

I’m trusted by some of the UK’s best loved charities…

  • Neil Gilbert, Head of Innovation, Samaritans

    “Louis is a natural strategist with a rock-solid commitment to making the world a better place. He thinks strategically, is naturally curious and is highly collaborative – a fantastic combination in innovation and new product development. Louis is very willing to challenge conventional wisdom, whilst understanding the importance of carrying people with him. His confidence and bias to action mean he’s completely at home leading others through uncertainty, as well as building an evidence base to incrementally build the case for propositions and strategic work. He’s an anchor to any team – popular, very credible and highly productive.”

  • Gareth Ellis Thomas, Former Director of Transformation at Prostate Cancer UK & Digital Consultant

    “In a career where I've been lucky enough to have worked with some staggeringly talented and excellent people, Louis is up there with the best of them.

    If you need some help with innovation, coaching or facilitation then you should definitely give him a shout.”

  • Jamie Bedford-Low, Senior Innovation Manager, Diabetes UK

    “I worked with Louis to plan and deliver an innovation taster workshop for our 120 strong Engagement and Marketing Team. Louis was friendly, knowledgeable and flexible in planning. In delivery, Louis was professional, passionate and down to earth. The workshop was really well received and left a post lunch crowd feeling energised and excited about innovation! I'd be happy to recommend and work with Louis in the future.”

  • Kate Carr, Corporate Responsibility Specialist, Business in the Community

    “Louis’ creativity, strategic input and patience in helping me to develop a series of co-creation sprints was invaluable; I highly recommend!”

  • Hayley Luxton, Senior Research Impact & Intelligence Manager, Prostate Cancer UK

    “Louis has been super helpful in a project I was working on: 'How do we best support researchers'. Louis coached me through a number of techniques/sessions including assumption mapping, 'how might we', prioritising based on impact/effort etc. Not only is he a font of knowledge he's also a great coach, communicator and thanks to his support we now have confidence that our plans are what the audience want and need.”

  • Jo Pullin, Legacies Innovation Lead, Macmillan Cancer Support

    “I have been working with Louis through a 3 month discovery phase to uncover opportunities for legacy fundraising. Through this process Louis has helped distil complex audience insights into actionable strategies, leading to the development of a robust pipeline of opportunities for Legacy fundraising.

    Louis and I have had regular sessions but aside from this he has taken the time to get to know the team and understand the wider organisational context. He is a true collaborator and happy to challenge members of the team or ways of working to help us to think outside the box. Thanks Louis!.”

  • Harry Geerts, Senior Innovation Manager, Dementia UK

    “Louis delivered a great training session on Insight for Innovation. A really valuable and engaging session for myself and the team. Highly recommend.”

  • Thomas Martin, Farfetch

    “I was finding that we needed an expert outside of the business to really get my team and myself thinking creatively and changing how we approach current problems and projects we are facing. Before the session with my team Louis took the time to speak to my lead and myself to understand more about structure of my team, gain clarity on the type of session we would like and go over operational notes of the session. This due diligence Louis went through was fantastic to see and it really ensured that the session was perfectly optimised to my demands. I have personally actioned 2 of the solutions we worked on with my team and am finding we are more efficient and more creative. Thanks again!!

Get tangible opportunities on how to attract and retain High Value Pledgers in just 5 weeks!

Here’s the plan…

Stage 1 of 4: Discovery

The first place to start is learn and deeply understand where each charity is at in terms of their legacy fundraising maturity and regarding attracting High Value legacy gifts.

Here’s how we’ll do it:

  • Kick off session with participating individuals

  • Individual stakeholder interviews with each charity

Stage 2 of 4: Recruitment and Fieldwork

I will use a specialist recruiter to find 10-12 of the High Value Lookalike audience. I will conduct the interviews and you can drop in to listen to them first hand

Here’s how we’ll do it:

  • Recruit the target audience via a third party research agency

  • Conduct 10-12 interviews on virtual platform

  • Updates to be provided in the private community

Stage 3 of 4: Synthesis

This is a stage in the innovation process also called ‘sense-making’. This is all about turning transcripts and videos into meaningful, actionable insight.

Here’s how we’ll do it:

Synthesise the research using several exercises such affinity mapping spot patterns, insights and create a presentation with the key insights.

Stage 4 of 4: Insights & Ideation

In a half day workshop I will share the insight and we will run through Innovation exercises to turn opportunities into tangible ideas.

Here’s how we’ll do it:

  • Insight Presentation

  • Exercises from Design Sprint & Agile Methodology

  • Google Ventures Concept Sketching Process & Impact vs Effort

OK let’s be honest: Legacy Fundraising has a reputation for being a bit dry 😬

But it’s actually one of the most exciting areas of fundraising!

So it’s important this collaboration is as engaging and fun as possible.


I believe that learning from supporters combined with an engaging, memorable experience is a combination that makes innovation happen.

This really helps momentum and ultimately help us achieve what we all want as fundraisers: to raise tons of money!

Small groups, big results!

The programme is limited to 8 individuals from different charities (4 spots currently available). to ensure you get the best possible experience and outcome.

Complete the application form & apply to join the programme!

Early Bird (Deadline = 14th June) Price = £1,750

Standard Price = £2,250

High Value Legacies Catalyst 🚀Application Form